22# Weekly Bitcoin & Ordinals insights

Largest airdrop in history | Runestones or RSIC?🧵 | Game of Blocks airdrop🧵 and more news..

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Table of Contents

Some quick updates:

🟧 Ghostface Killah announced he is dropping new music on BTC → Link
🟧 77 Runestones Give-away from BTCMachine → Link
🟧 Did RUNESTONEᛤ revive Ordinals? → Link
🟧 Mint date announcement for INKonBTC → Link
🟧 4.2069 BTC ($276,000) for this Bitcoin Puppet → Link

Bitcoin decreased by 1% last week

Last week was quite calm for Bitcoin. Only on March 20th did we see a significant dip that went down to $61.5K. Meanwhile, we are back to the level at the beginning of the week. This has been around $65K for several days now.

Evolution updates for Quantums Cats

Last week we had a new evolution round for Quantum Cats. In addition to cat0673 getting a golden cape, there are also updates to the other traits.

Thread about the difference between Runestone and RSIC

Runestone and RSIC are fundamentally different.

But is there a winner?

Which one should YOU buy?🧵

The largest airdrop in history to all Runestones holders

112 777 Inscriptions
You can't beat us, we will always +1

A thread on Game of Blocks (GOB)

This week, many OGs in Ordinals space received a new airdrop called; Game of Blocks.

But what exactly is it?

Mr.Insights watchlist update🧵👇